Tyler/Balaji Srinivasan - from the “Conversations With Tyler” podcast (Full episode list)
Academia should be more open source but incentives aren’t aligned right now
VC concentrated in Silicon Valley bc VCs didn’t want to fly to board meetings
Kids are plugged into phones/internet, taking time away from being plugged into state school “network”
Theory: exit as a source of liberty
Russians/Chinese/Eastern Europeans were “vaccinated” against communism due to near term (30-year) memory of why it doesn’t work (!!!)
Countries to win the future = software-savvy small countries (Estonia, Singapore, Israel); software-savvy leaders who run country like a tech company
Skype into robot and work from across the world
“China may well be vectoring in that direction”
Bitcoin is more a system property rights and contract law than a PayPal competitor
It’s about who has the property. Less energy intensive than Brinks trucks/military/cops needed to protect property
You can “root and branch” exit the system (financial system) - new set of rules let’s you route around
Internet let you route around mail/TV
2% of wealth right now goes to financial intermediaries
You have “total custody” over our crypto token
“Agility of the value” of crypto tokens dramatically increases
Use tokens - programs consume them, but/trade pro frantically; use them as inputs for API calls
In future - people could use personal tokens to finance their schooling/dreams (in next 10-20 years)
Financing will become low-threshold activity similar to broadcasting today (YouTube, Twitter)
Blockchain can uplift talented people all over the world
Drones are very, very underrated
Drones for construction (!!!!!!!)
Surrogates = movie about drone future
Chinese internet = underrated
China has a hunger to prove something as a civilization. Americans want to prove something more on an individual level
There are more English speakers outside US that in US
Once they have smartphones, they’ll be way more involved in our conversations. Hundreds of millions of people joining our conversations (ex: Nigeria, India)
Andela = Nigerian software
“Digital Blue collar” jobs in Nigeria, Brazil, India (ex: image identification)
To solve unstructured problem: list, rank, iterate (iterate brutally through this)
Try 150 times; if you don’t get a hit, make a change
Tuning out the Valley is the key to unique success
Look for fields/areas where tech hasn’t spread yet - that’s where the biggest opportunities are
He wants to move to Singapore (“optimal place for my preference vector”(!))
Idea for something in the genomics/quantified self space that he’s working on….stay tuned