Tyler//Michael Orthofer

  • Foreign fiction reading in the US peaked in 1970s

  • Tyler: in some ways NYC is provincial bc they believe the whole world goes there, but it’s actually highly processed

  • Michael: “I’m a text person, not an image person” (!!! Re: Amusing Ourselves to Death)

  • Reading is very much a personal thing

  • To get your kid to read a great book tell them “you’re not ready for this one yet”

  • Arno Schmidt = one of best read people ever

  • Melville’s “the confidence man” = great American novel

  • Regional language literature of India is extremely underrated (!) ex: Bengali

  • Tugorev (sp?); southern region of Kerala — remarkable literary production there but we see so little of it

  • American literary dominance is too overbearing worldwide

  • Tyler: “most American fiction bores me”. Rec = go for 1 year reading only non-American fiction

  • Tyler: “What belief do you hold that other intelligent people would find most absurd?”

  • Michael: “I think we fear death too much”

  • “I have great difficulty with religion/the God concept; I can’t fit it into my world view”