The Internet Lives Within Me
The internet lives within me.
It got in there early, I drew the lucky ticket and it arrived along with me. And now it's part of me, down to the very cells inside me. It leads me by green pastures, to still waters of endless streams of mindless information that dulls my mind for good and for worse. This mythic monstrosity will never not be me, yes it’s a part of me, as we become what we see. I ingest the internet and the internet ingests me, in my fragmented thoughts and my shallow curiosities and my impossible yearnings for all things, my deep desire to wrangle the web and know and see all.
As I live on the internet, I interface with the infinite. My worldview is shaped by this constant brush with totality. I’m forever awash in the infinite glow. Past generations didn't have this, no way, they had 8 things and we have infinite things, infinite clips and tweets and ideas and people. Even people are now infinite, one person becomes 1000 more if you so choose. We’re frictionless, we’re limitless. But the cement-level certainty served up in each search makes us crave certainty everywhere else. What’s the meaning of living? How will things go and what do they think of me? We want certainty in abstract things, trivial things. We’re chained to detail, seeking fixation in a nebulous world.
And yet – look around! Behold what’s possible! We dwarf time and space with nudge of a thumb. Create whole worlds we can see but can’t touch. A brilliant future unfurls before us, amidst the clouds of noise. Beyond our obsession with certainty lies a boundless mystery, our chance to hurl into the void and build a new reality.
Enslaved by small details but alive to the infinite. This is our paradox, the hand we must play. And on my mind churns, neurotic and grand. For the internet lives within me.